Client is a leading Healthcare product manufacturer in USA. The client products for equipment papers, Mounting Forms, Ultrasound Films and Fetal Heart Papers are highest quality and best priced in the market. Significant research and ongoing modernization of the manufacturing facility and techniques ensures that their products will not damage the delicate components of hospital and clinics equipment.

Retail eCommerce
Business Need
- Client sells their product through multiple channels – Website, eBay, Amazon, Shopzilla, Distributors and Direct Customer Order. Client has more than 650+ listings on eCommerce platforms.
- Client has a complex number of listings on these platforms that are not optimized and rank poorly on these eCommerce platforms. They lack proper content and details that would make their products appeal to customers.
- Client is not able to take data based decisions and clearly understand the performance of their listings on these platforms. As such they have been losing money on many listings.
Retail eCommerce
Our Solution
- Work closely with client as eCommerce Advisor to the client and review the current performance of listings on eBay and Amazon using several metrics which benchmarking that with competition performance.
- Prepare inventory of all listings to understand performing v/s non-performing products.
- Optimize performing listings with well researched keywords, images, pricing and structure changes to ensure these listings will be indexed by platform search engines (Platform Engine Optimization).
- Track metrics and publish monthly dashboard to review the overall performance of the eco-system.
- Track competitive activity real-time on daily basis and proactively propose changes to the client to improve performance of products and management of FBA listings.
Benefit & Value
- Provided consultation to client as advisor and saved significant time for the company owners.
- Eliminated Non-Performing listings/products and reduced FBA inventory. Maintained up-to date listing content.
- Transformed several non-performing listings to performing listings.
- Increased traffic, listing impressions, page views, click-through rate and sales conversion percentage by 100%.
- Improved listing rankings and ensured compliance with various platform standards thus reducing fees.
- Improved topline by increasing sales by 30% on eBay and 35% on Amazon platforms. Eliminated wastage and reduced cost wherever opportunity.
- Continue to add new products and listings for the client.